2. Can you find something(object/conversation/image/incident) from this trip that represent the impression you have towards Islamic arts?

The level of detail put into this carpet, something to be walked on, and what do the designs represent or mean?
3. If you were to continue finding out more about Islamic art, list out 3 questions you would like to ask.
1) Did the designs on the armour vary for every other person? and if so what were they based on? what the warrior wanted or did the designs some how reflect his personality or how nortorious he was in battle?
2) Why did they spend so much time and effort into details of their armour and weapons especially since it has a good chance of being lost, or were they only designed and made for rich knights and nobles?
3) How did they create such intricate designs on steels pots and kettles and did they have any direct relation to themselves or their religion?
Research area/Topic:
designs on the armour, weapons, kettles, pots, carpets.
Offline: Experienced
Experience Description
Offline: Experienced
Experience Description
Offline: mostly a lot of brief description or explanation on what the historic artifact it and what it was used for, not much in depth, although the where the weapons and Armour was it was more interesting to see a brief timeline of events.
Clients initial statement of what they want
Include more media, videos, slides and audio medias to make the museum more engaging to the tourists and visitors
Market Sector: Education
Benefits Achievements Wanted: Include more media, videos, slides and audio medias to make the museum more engaging to the tourists and visitors