I am like the wolf,i am a team player

like the sloth, i admit, i am lazy

but like the the sun, i rise up everyday ready for the world

at times, when it comes to food, i am your trash can,

like the flower i wake up everyday with a open minded,

recently, like the dictionary i am useful at times,

like the moon i always like to come out at night and play,

like a diary, you can tell me your day, you can tell me your secrets, and there they will stay,

like all jigsaw puzzles, we need to spend time to figure each other out, and at the end we stand back and embrace the final picture. This is our reward,

finally, just like any mother, i hope i can make those i love the most know i care for them, and try my best at what i do and not disappoint them.
you cant tell this guy any secret